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Common Themes of Language Learning
The more you can tolerate:
discomfort, embarrassment, frustration,
the faster you will learn.
Creating your American Character. To a certain degree, knowing another language is like making another self.

When speaking, don't be perfect. We're always constantly *stumbling forward*
Learning a language is like an iceberg, the learning part is just the tip, most of it is practice!
Patience, with yourself, your classmates, and the process, while simultaneously maintaining determination.

Be open to change. Be curious to the odd ways it's different, don't fight it.
Learning a language is a lot like walking through the mountains, in the clouds. Most of the time you can't see much or even where you're going. But occasionally the wind blows the fog away, and you can see the peak, where you're going, and how far you've come.

We are exactly what we practice
When speaking, focus on *communication*.
Give your listener the best possibility to understand you.
Language Learning Is Intense, there is no casual way.
You must drown in it, totally breathe it in every moment.
Input comes first, then Output
You have to maintain your confidence that you WILL get to a high level of your new language
Never say a single word only. Focus on steady pattern connections.
Intensive (Depth) vs. Extensive (Length) READING
Much of the battle is just creating interesting, motivating, baby steps.
The importance of the "ah ha!" moment, and you NOTICING something
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